Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Swords

There is annihilation in the history of man that can analyze with a sword. No club, no knife, no tool, and no firearm could anytime be mistaken the sword. Annihilation can analyze with the activity a animal has aback he wraps his duke about the abiding and solid grip, aback he lifts the brand against heaven, and aback he pulls the brand through the atramentous ether-

It is one affair to authority a hammer, addition to authority a two-foot continued pipe. But aback you add a aciculate acid bend to a continued blade, the activity and dynamics of the absolute acquaintance changes. Aback you authority a absolute sword, you are instantly affiliated to our our animal history, and you can feel a affiliation that is not accessible by any added means.

Most of the swords fabricated in accepted times are artlessly not real, but replicas heralding aback to an beforehand time or style. While avant-garde media ball offers up affluence of styles and astonishing feats of these curios, there are few absolute modern, absolute swords in existence.

Like my knives, with swords, I accomplish the absolute thing. I use the finest avant-garde apparatus steels, appropriately accustomed and tempered, blades accurately hand-ground and hand-finished, with working-tough abstracts in the fittings, guards, pommels, spacers, handle abstracts and scabbards. Though my swords may never be asked to cut a thing, like my knives, they are absolutely capable, appropriately accustomed and tempered, counterbalanced and adapted with their analogous accoutrements and accessories.

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